A Second Public Hearing on Champaign County Board Size and Composition
The Champaign County Board would like to invite you and all NAACP members to a public hearing for the purpose of receiving information and public comment regarding whether the Champaign County Board members should be elected from single-member districts or multi-member districts; and whether the number of County Board Members to be elected should be decreased from the current number of 27. The County Board is sponsoring this public hearing as a step in its study of whether to alter the size or composition of the County Board . This is the second public hearing the Board has held on these issues and they would invite any and all public participation and comment.
The Public Hearing will be held on:
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
during the recess of the County Board Committee of the Whole meeting
Lyle Shields Meeting Room, Brookens Administrative Center,
1776 East Washington, Urbana , IL