NAACP Quarterly Meeting & Lincoln Douglass Banquet
Greetings, NAACP Family!
Hope to see you in Springfield this Saturday, February 13th for our Quarterly State Conference Meeting at the Springfield Hilton Hotel, located in downtown Springfield, at 10:00 AM. Featured topics include, but are not limited to, the 2010 Census, Region III Conference and IDOT & MDOT presentation.
On Sunday, February 14th, the Springfield Branch NAACP will host it’s 89th annual Lincoln/Douglass Banquet at the Springfield Hilton Hotel. Tickets are
just $35.00. See attached flyers for the Black History presentation “Dream of Freedom” (free to public) at 1:00-2:00 and the banquet which begins at 2:45 PM.
Theresa Clay
2nd Vice President, Springfield Branch NAACP