Please join our local branch and our active committees working for change locally in Education, Economic Development, Legal Redress, Political Action and ACTSO. We encourage your participation. We need your help! Others are joining the struggle to invoke change in Champaign County and across our Nation. Please read one new members story. Thank you.


My name is Courage Kimber, and I’ve been a member of the NAACP for 32 days.

Before August 24, 2013, I had no real intention of becoming a member. I certainly supported the fight for civil rights, but always asked myself, “Why do they need me?”

When I stood among the massive crowd at the anniversary March on Washington, listening to the speeches and feeling the energy of the crowd, I understood. I began to think about what it must have felt like 50 years ago, and the magnitude of the first march. It was about people working together to stand up for what is right. Today, it’s important for all of us to do our part.

Let’s do this together. Join me as a new member of the NAACP — or renew your membership — so we can work to fight for civil and human rights.

I’m a first-generation American. My parents are from Liberia. So I was excited to participate in the anniversary march to commemorate the civil rights movement, which opened the doors of opportunity for my family and other immigrant families.

I marched to pay homage to the people that came before me, those who sacrificed their own lives and risked their safety to ensure the indignities and injustices they faced would not be passed on to the next generation. They marched for critical issues, such as the need for better access to quality education. I work in the business world, so I see first-hand every day the advantage a good education provides.

But that’s not why I joined the NAACP after the march. I joined because on the day of the anniversary march, I saw so many people come together in the spirit of change. They inspired me. I became a member because the price to join the NAACP is far less than the price many others paid in the struggle for civil rights.

Becoming a member is my way of making sure that the NAACP can build on the progress that has been made and continue the fight for civil rights. I may not march everyday, but as a member, I know that I am making an impact.

Your membership will have an impact too. I hope you’ll take a moment to help the movement forward by joining or renewing today:

Thank you,


Courage Kimber

NAACP Member

P.S. If you’re already a member, you can still help the NAACP reach it’s goal by giving the gift of NAACP membership today.